Sunday, April 26, 2009

July 2009 Zambia Outreach

Harvesters International Ministries - Zambia
in partnership with
Hope Builders International
Zambia Outreach 2009
15 July 2009 - 29 July 2009
Livingston, Zambia

HIM Zambia invites you to join us in an outreach to the Livingstone area of Zambia in July 2009.HIM has planted many churches in this area and has well developed HUB structures with strong leadership and willing churches. We will join hands with local churches to reach this ripe harvest field.


One-on-one Evangelism
Train local believers and mentor evangelism in the area
Plant several new churches in the area
Encourage local believers
Identify potential leaders for future training

Preparation has already begun in the town of Livingstone and surrounding villages that we hope to send teams to. Churches are preparing to fully participate in the outreach, local chiefs are being visited to identify where new churches can be planted and local believers are already praying for each team member who will come and help them win people for Christ.

HIM Zambia will provide training, infrastructure, thorough planning and follow up. We need YOU to come and share your faith in one of the greatest harvest fields in the world today. Thousands will come to Christ, new churches will be planted and many will be discipled. This is an opportunity not to be missed. Individuals, couples and groups are welcome to join us. Already teams from the USA and South Africa are preparing to come and we hope to have close to ….. participants joining up with local pastors and interpreters. Most people in the area speak English ensuring that communication will not be a problem.

Travel Arrangements

Our US office will book all flights within and from the USA. Local flights and road transport will be organized by HIMAfrica (Jeff Hawkins) and HIM Zambia. Prices include all flights, road transport, food and accommodation, interpreters and all other possible expenses. The full price for the outreach is $3800 per participant. A deposit of $300 will secure your place and enable us to book flights for you.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


From March 31 – April 3 HIM Zambia gathered its district leaders from all over Zambia along with other key Hub leadership for training. The sessions included a general understanding of the HUB Method of Church Planting and defining of the different roles of leadership. Other sessions dealt with the Mission and Purpose of HIM Zambia. There were also several workshops teaching a simple inductive Bible study method that does not require extra study helps. Most pastors do not have the luxury of a pastor’s library. Daily prayer, personal devotions and corporate worship were also a mainstay of the daily activities. Four of our dear mothers prepared the meals for the leaders.
Thanks to the gifts of the Berea Baptist Church, and Sister Patty 36 new Study Bibles were brought to the conference and given to the men without study Bibles. The 30 NET Bibles were given by and the six Discipleship Study Bibles were provided by Harvesters International Ministries. Study Bibles are not available in country and must be shipped. Thank you for your help and part in this. Praise the Lord for His bountiful gift. The men were grateful to God to receive a new “study” Bible giving them extra tool for preparing sermons and Bible lessons.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good week at YWAM training base in Muizenburg, South Africa

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