Yesterday Bill Witkowski and I arrived at the Nashville airport with plenty of time to spare. After Lou Ann and I said our goodbyes Bill and I went through security to our Gate.We were being leisurely as we had over an hour before the plane flew out when we noticed the line forming at our gate. What was happening was the plane had been cancelled for some reason and everyone was being sent to different gates and planes. Our options were to fly to London and have an 8 hour layover there (in the airport) and then arrive in South Africa Wednesday or we could hang out in Atlanta for a day and arrive in SA Wednesday OR we could just go home and come back today...and arrive Wednesday. We decided easily on Door #3. Lou Ann was almost back to Clarksville when I called in a ride from her.
And so the adventure begins. We can plan and prepare but we can not dictate life. Fortunately our GOD is not surprised or thrown off balance by such surprises. HE IS our soveriegn Lord. No one and nothing can overcome Him. So we are confident that the extra day in the States will work for our good and His glory. It has not changed our schedule in Zambia. Lou Ann and I were glad to spend another day together. I will be gone 7 weeks this trip.
As I am waiting for Bill to arrive and our return to Nashville I want to share with you some recent updates from Zambia. The biggest obstacle we are facing in our upcoming mission is the washed out bridges on the route we were going to take to the Northwest Province. This change will add at least a half day to our travels and make it much more difficult to get to one of our intended destinations. Thanks for praying with us. We are trusting the Sovereign Lord's guidance in this as well.
As we are going about in Zambia we will be representing you. Thank you again for your partnership with us in prayer and giving. My pastor reminded me this past week of a principle in giving learned from Philippians. Paul said the Philippians had first given themselves to the Lord and then to him when they shared financially in his mission. I thank our Lord Jesus Christ in the same spirit when I think of you and your partnership with us. Thank you for giving yourselves to the Lord and to us. Bless you!
The Lord has provided in advance all the basic needs for this trip through many of you. Our main mission being to work with the District Leaders in mapping and identifying all the locations of the churches that have been planted in partnership with Hope Builders Ministries in the past 10 years. There are many hundreds of churches to be mapped. The overall purpose of this task is to help assess the effectiveness of our work and seek to make improvements.
The basic needs are met but the constant need for Bibles continues. Bibles for Believers is our ministry to provide this most precious of resources. As you provide the funds we are able to purchase language Bibles in Zambia or South Africa and then deliever them directly to the new churches planted or the older ones still needing God's precious written Word.
Last week I receive two specific requests amounting to several hundred Bibles, and there are hundreds more churches needing Bibles. Let me encourage each of you to be a representative in your church, small group or Sunday School class to help raise funds for Bibles. Ask for a "Bibles for Believers" Sunday when the whole body brings a love offering for the purpose of buying Bibles for their poor brothers and sisters in Zambia. YOU know this is a worthy sacrifice and well-pleasing to the Lord. And as the old pastor pictured below displays, your gift will be much appreciated.
As always your gifts can be sent to Hope Builders Ministries, P.O.Box 317, Greenwood, VA 22943. Designate gifts to Bibles for Zambia.
I will be sending out updates from Zambia every few days.
Be blessed! In Jesus Name,
And so the adventure begins. We can plan and prepare but we can not dictate life. Fortunately our GOD is not surprised or thrown off balance by such surprises. HE IS our soveriegn Lord. No one and nothing can overcome Him. So we are confident that the extra day in the States will work for our good and His glory. It has not changed our schedule in Zambia. Lou Ann and I were glad to spend another day together. I will be gone 7 weeks this trip.
As I am waiting for Bill to arrive and our return to Nashville I want to share with you some recent updates from Zambia. The biggest obstacle we are facing in our upcoming mission is the washed out bridges on the route we were going to take to the Northwest Province. This change will add at least a half day to our travels and make it much more difficult to get to one of our intended destinations. Thanks for praying with us. We are trusting the Sovereign Lord's guidance in this as well.
As we are going about in Zambia we will be representing you. Thank you again for your partnership with us in prayer and giving. My pastor reminded me this past week of a principle in giving learned from Philippians. Paul said the Philippians had first given themselves to the Lord and then to him when they shared financially in his mission. I thank our Lord Jesus Christ in the same spirit when I think of you and your partnership with us. Thank you for giving yourselves to the Lord and to us. Bless you!
The Lord has provided in advance all the basic needs for this trip through many of you. Our main mission being to work with the District Leaders in mapping and identifying all the locations of the churches that have been planted in partnership with Hope Builders Ministries in the past 10 years. There are many hundreds of churches to be mapped. The overall purpose of this task is to help assess the effectiveness of our work and seek to make improvements.
The basic needs are met but the constant need for Bibles continues. Bibles for Believers is our ministry to provide this most precious of resources. As you provide the funds we are able to purchase language Bibles in Zambia or South Africa and then deliever them directly to the new churches planted or the older ones still needing God's precious written Word.
Last week I receive two specific requests amounting to several hundred Bibles, and there are hundreds more churches needing Bibles. Let me encourage each of you to be a representative in your church, small group or Sunday School class to help raise funds for Bibles. Ask for a "Bibles for Believers" Sunday when the whole body brings a love offering for the purpose of buying Bibles for their poor brothers and sisters in Zambia. YOU know this is a worthy sacrifice and well-pleasing to the Lord. And as the old pastor pictured below displays, your gift will be much appreciated.
As always your gifts can be sent to Hope Builders Ministries, P.O.Box 317, Greenwood, VA 22943. Designate gifts to Bibles for Zambia.
I will be sending out updates from Zambia every few days.
Be blessed! In Jesus Name,