Monday, September 15, 2014

Going And Getting

My Ministry and calling is to HELP Indigenous Missions/Ministries in India and Africa. This is fulfilled in two ways. One way is by Going and the other is by Getting.

Yep. Going and Getting is how I fulfill my ministry. 2 Timothy 4:5

My GOING is accomplished by periodic visits to the countries and ministries I am partnered with. In India I am partnered with HIMIndia and Stephen Prasad. Together we started this ministry as an outgrowth of Stephen's Gospel to the Perishing Souls. I began mentoring Stephen online in 2008 and by God's grace and will I was able to meet him face to face in February 2013. This is when we "kicked off" the ministry of Helping Indigenous Ministries in India *(HIMIndia). Stephen organizes pastors into study groups and provides them with pastoral training material and biblical strategies to make disciples of Indians to Jesus Christ. I visit the different areas and teach seminars. In 2013 I taught on the Holy Spirit's ministry in and through the church today. In 2014 Christ was the theme from His birth to His High Priestly ministry in heaven for us today.

I am also partnered with Hope Builders Ministry Zambia. In Zambia I am privileged to know and work with some of the finest Christian Leaders I have ever met. Serving on the board of Directors with 7 Zambian pastors we lead this indigenous ministry by the grace and power of God. My function here is the same as in India. I first met many of these brothers in 2005 when I first visited Zambia on a mission trip. In late 2007 I knew I would be serving them full time and that begun in January 2008.

When "Going" I also am accessing the work on the ground. I serve as an accountability partner to both the ministries in Zambia and India. We desire complete integrity in the use of the gifts God gives us through our faithful donors.

The GETTING is the difficult part of this ministry. The Lord has called me to call His church in America to support these ministries in India and Zambia.  Getting is much more difficult than Going. The challenge is convincing Christians that Indigenous pastors need support so that they can be trained and effectively DO the work of the ministry they are called to do. Of course their calling is to "equip the saints (through the Word of God) to do the work of the ministry" i.e. make disciples.

In today's western church "social missions" have taken precedence over biblical missions. Biblical missions is to take the Gospel to the lost, win them to Christ, organize them into a local church and then teach them all that Christ has taught us (especially focused on the leaders so we don't have to overstay our welcome). That's disciple making. And disciple making takes money. We spend millions in the USA to accomplish this and there is much to do. Sadly we do not spend millions in "missions" on disciple making. Most of the money today goes to social missions, that is, building schools, churches and hospitals, feeding the hungry, digging wells, caring for widows and orphans, even building playgrounds. But alas, though these are good things, none of them are the primary thing, the best thing, and that is obeying the Great Commission to "make disciples."

So I am asking you to pray for me and yes support me in my ministry of "Going and Getting." HIMIndia and HBM Zambia need your support. I need your support.

So come on. Let's Go and Get some of this Great Commission ministry in Zambia and India.

You can partner with Jeff Hawkins and over 2000 pastors in Zambia and India making disciples by praying and giving.

Follow us on Facebook at HIMIndia and HIMAfrica and Hope Builders Ministries Zambia.

Give at

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Partner With Jeff and Lou Ann this New Year

Jeff and Lou Ann are in full-time ministry supported by the prayers and gifts of partners like you.
Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with us in this incredible ministry working directly with native indigenous Christian Missionaries in Africa. Our ministry focus with Hope Builders Ministries is Zambia. Please join us. God is working in mighty ways through the ministry in Zambia and is glorifying His Name.
Online Giving @  Then click the PERSONAL SUPPORT and go to Jeff Hawkins
Hope Builders Ministries
P.O.Box 317
Greenwood, VA 22943
Designate: Hawkins Support

Friday, December 16, 2011

Indescribable Gift - Jesus

Top: Children in Kasempa  Above: HUB Leaders from Chinsali

December 2011

God has given awesome gifts to mankind and especially His Church, Christ's body.

He gave His "indescribable gift" when the Son of God became the Son of Man  so that sons of men could become sons of God. Thank you LORD!

The Lord Jesus gave all who believe in Him the gift of His Holy Spirit so that the very Spirit of Life lives in us!

The Holy Spirit gives each believer gifts "according to His will" so that we can serve God and one another to the glory of God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ has also given His Church "gifted-men" to equip the saints for ministry. Thank God for the pastors and church planters He has given to the local church!

Together we are helping these "gifted-men" in Zambia to grow and mature the church as well. Thank you for partnering with us, gifting these brothers with training, Bibles, books and bicycles! With your prayers and gifts we are working together with them to win souls to Christ, plant churches and train pastors who make disciples of the flock of God.

Your gifts also enable us to help orphaned children and widows "in deed." We are able to supplement three Christian orphanages with food and education by your prayerful gifts.

Lou Ann and I want to send our special thanks to God for each one of YOU who love us, pray for us and gift us! Without your faithful support we could not be your representatives to the church in Africa. Thank you!

It is our prayer that each of you experience God's grace in Christ in special ways during this Christmas holiday. May your time with family and friends be filled with great joy as you love one another.

Let us keep our eyes on the prize of the upward call of our Lord Jesus Christ, God's indescribable Gift!

Because of HIM,
Jeff and Lou Ann