Friday, April 4, 2008

Computers Arrived!

The Computers arrived safely on Thursday but were held up until Friday by customs. The minisry has ended up paying an unexpected $900 to get them into the country. WE are thankful and know that the Lord will provide.

I have had a marvelous extra two days with Brother Kennedy (Rev. Denson's brother in law). He is the owner of the guesthouse I am staying at. I have helped him develop a new blog for his business.

Tomorrow/Saturday he will drive me the 4 hours to Monze and Denson. I told Denson to rest for a day or so before I arrived. He has been working very hard and under a lot of pressure with all the ministry that is going on right now.

Many, including my WIFE! are asking for my itinerary. Here it is again...

Saturday 5th - travel to Monze.
Monday 7th - Thursday 10th Monze Pastor's Conference
Friday - Sunday 13th travel and prep for Lusaka Conference.
Monday - Thursday 17th Lusaka Pastor's Conference with ITEM and my friend Keith Walsworth
Friday 18th Travel 8 hours to Chingola
Sunday 20th ministry and visit to Chililabombwe Baptist Church
Monday/tuesday 22nd help with pastor's conference in Chingola or Ndola with ITEM.
Wednesday 23 Fly home
Thursday 24th arrive in Nashville and drive to E. KY
Friday 25th - celebrate my 55th birthday! AM I THAT OLD?

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