Saturday, May 17, 2008


HEY Friends,
Lou Ann and I are in the midst of a major move. We said our final goodbyes this afternoon in East Kentucky and we are now mid-trip in Bowling Green, KY.

We have been in the middle of moving for several months now. Last November we move over half of our belongings into storage here in Bowling Green. In February we moved our furniture and other goodies to Coldstream Christian Camp and a small barn near the Potter's House. Yesterday and today we have moved out of our temporary home at Calvary Campus. Lou Ann's car, my van and Jeremy and Grace Ann's truck and 16foot trailer are now full of the rest of our belongings. We are Gypsies again. BUT hey, are we not to be "sojourners" in this world?

Lou Ann and I are very excited in the journey the Lord has us on. We are truly looking for "the city made without hands." Everything here is temporary but OH so important as we walk the path and do the work God calls us to do. That walk and work is to represent the ONE who loved us and gave himself for us, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow we finish our travel to Coldstream Christian Camp. It is amazing to think that we have tried to move to that ministry on three different specific occasions over the last 20 years. NOW the Lord has said , "It is time." We are excited about the days of ministry ahead with our friends at Coldstream.

While we continue working with Hope Builders International as the Zambia Coordinator for Harvesters International Ministry Zambia, we will live at the Potter's House on the campus of Coldstream and oversee the ministry to pastors and missionaries. Specifically we will be booking the Potter's House and caring for it. This provides us with a "base" of operation to also represent HIM Zambia and coordinate that ministry in the States.

Lou Ann and I are continually looking for individuals and ministries that will partner with us in this ministry. Bibles for Believers and support for our District and Hub leaders in Zambia continue to be the focus for these partnerships. I will also be working to continue to train our leaders there through the three year "on site" Bible School, pastor's training modules and leadership conferences.

What can you do?
  1. Pray for us and this ministry.
  2. Participate by personally giving to this ministry. The 365/20 Partnership is a challenge to for 365 individuals to give $20 per month and provide the "foundation" of support for this ministry.
  3. Participate by sponsoring a District $300 per month supports a district leader who oversees 10 Hub leaders and their ministries. This is potentially 400 churches and their leaders in training and discipleship. The District leader receives a small 125cc motorcycle to help facilitate this vital ministry of mentoring.
  4. Sponsor a HUB. $300 per month provides training materials and bicycles for 40 pastors and a small monitary gift to the HUB pastor.
  5. Bibles for Believers! Literally thousands of our brothers and sisters do not have a Bible. We want to provide at least ONE Bible per family that is in discipleship in the churches we plant. $10 will buy and deliver a Bible in the venacular of the believer. There are many different "heart" languages spoken in Zambia. The Bible has been translated into the major ones. S
  6. BE an advocate for this ministry in your church and circle of friends.
  • ASK your church to have a Bibles for Believers Day. I will send you everything you need to conduct a successful event where your church can be a HUGE blessing to our brothers in Zambia. I will personally report back to your church what the Lord has done in providing these Bibles
  • ASK your friends to come to your home or a brunch where I present the awesome ministry of HBI and HIM in Africa, winning thousands to Christ, planting over 3000 churches in the past 10 years, mentoring pastors and discipling believers.

WE ARE MOVING as the Lord opens doors. Come along with us.

Thank you so much for all you do!

Jeff and Lou Ann

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