Monday, November 24, 2008


I pray you are well and looking forward to a good week serving our precious Savior.

Yesterday our pastor preached the story of David and Goliath. What a great lesson! One of the main points I came away with and was reminded of was the need to walk by faith in everyday life (the mundane) so as to be prepared for the unexpected and extraordinary events of life.

This was a truth I continually reminded the churches I pastored. You must learn to walk by faith today when life is normal so that you can know HOW to exercise faith when life gets tough. Growing in the Word daily prepares you for those "extraordinary" days when you must face the "Giants". Our relationship with God (faith) grows as we seek HIM in the Word and prayer. There will be little battles today that we must win by faith in God. These battles will prepare us for the bigger "campaigns" that WILL come sooner or later. David's faith in God grew as a Shepherd taking care of his flocks. He had to conquer lions and bears (no little thing!)in his everyday life. When the extraordinary day came he was ready to slay the giant Goliath. He had confident faith in God. He had exercised faith in God in the everyday so that he knew he could trust God in the extraordinary.

Have faith in God in the everyday and it will prepare you for the "unexpected" tomorrows. And remember "Faith comes by hearing and Hearing by the Word of God." You can not have the faith that will carry you through and please God if you are not in the Word of God.

Faith is not a "good luck charm" or a "rabbit's foot" or something that you "believe hard enough".
The faith that delivers you comes from knowing and believing the Word of God.

Some of you have asked for our personal mailing address. Here it is:

Jeff and Lou Ann Hawkins
1860 J.M. Goodman Rd.
Adams, TN 37010

For a tax deductible receipt when sending gifts make your check out to Hope Builders International and designate to Hawkins (personal support) or Zambia (ministry support)
Address: POBox 317, Greenwood, VA 22943

God bless each one of you.
Please send us any prayer requests by replying to this email.

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