Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Great Commission Keepers!

July 14-28 we will be hosting a mission to Livingstone, Zambia. This is the home of the Victoria Falls, traditionally called "The Smoke that Thunders." It is also the home of thousands of poor souls without the Lord Jesus Christ or a church to help grow them in the faith once they are saved.

Our mission will be to partner with Harvesters International ministris and local churches to go into the bush and villages to share the Gospel and establish new churches. The Jesus Film will be shone in the evenings.

We will be staying at the modest but very comfortable accomodations of the Sunbird Guesthouse outside of Livingstone. Harvesters International Ministries Zambia will be our host.

HIM Zambia is our partner planting churches, training pastors and making disciples in Zambia.

Would you join this trip? Your cost will be $3800 plus your passport, visa and any vacinations you might need. This fee covers your roundtrip airfare, food, lodging, and any transportation in Zambia.

You will work for 8 days with a local church winning souls and planting churches. Your evenings will be spent at the guesthouse or in the field showing the Jesus Film.

Some of you want to go but can not see how you could possibly afford the trip, but the Lord is able. This will give you the opportunity to trust the Lord as most missionaries have to in raising the support needed to serve on a foreign field. Your church can be a wonderful partner with you. It's sponsorship and that of friends and family are available but you must make the need known.

If you can not go would you consider a gift to help sponsor someone else? We either GO or Send...
Either way,
Consider joining us! Email me today if you are interested.
Jeff@HIMAfrica. com

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