Hello Friends and partners in Christ.
The Great "Co-mission" is our Sovereign Lord's final marching orders to all His followers until His return. The command is "make disciples." This is done "as you are GOING" you are to be seeking people to "baptize" (lead to repentance and faith in Christ) from ALL nations (ethnic groups, people groups) and "teach" them all that the Lord Jesus Christ has taught you. This is how we are to be disciples, by making disciples. Every single one of us is to be a missionary/disciple maker.
Our ministry verse is 2 Timothy 2:2. We are making disciples who make disciples. This is the heartbeat of HIMAfrica partnered with Hope Builders Ministries here in the USA as we come along side our brothers and sisters in Africa. The Christians in Africa are especially made to win their people to Christ, just as we are best able to win our neighbors here in the USA. We help them by providing much needed biblical training and basic equipment. Basic equipment as fundemental as a Bible and Basic theological training, and bicycles to maximize travel are some of the things we focus on so as to "equip" our brethren to win their own people. They know the language and culture and are already "accepted" by the people (something that takes a foreign missionary many years to accomplish, if ever). They are living in the land and are witnesses of Jesus Christ, known and read by all. Plus it costs a lot less to train and equip multiple nationals than it does to equip and send ONE missionary ($18,000 vs. $500,000 over 5 years).
Some of you are very involved with this partnership ministry, both in your prayers and in your giving. Our brothers in Zambia send their deepest thanks. I, too, want to personally say "thank you!" and may the Lord richly bless you as you have them. "He will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory."
Many of you have thought about helping and being a parnter but maybe you do not think your "little" is much, but as the old hymn says, "Little is Much when God is in it!" I also want to assure all of you that 90% and more of your gift goes directly to the African ministry. In Zambia's case we have been sending 100% of the funds because of they are so low. The 10% is purely administrative to make the "office" function. Johan (HBM) and I both raise our own support separately from these funds. You can be assured that your gift has maximum impact in the field and benefits our brethren there. Please consider partnering with us in Zambia. Yes I am begging and without any shame! The need is great.
This month I am having to make come very difficult decisions. Gifts have been dwindling for several months and we are now in a position that we have to make some "cuts" in ministry funding. This is critical.
This week I have received some other serious prayer requests as well. In the Northeast Province our District Leader Titus has been sick for some time with kidney problems. We sent him to the hospital a few months back and the treatments helped then. Now he is vomiting blood and in much pain. This is very critical in a country that does not have the benefits of our great medical care. Please pray for him!
Titus is on the left. Next to him is Danny Makina who lost his mother this week. Last week our National Leader buried a brother. Also pictured above are pastors Kolumbo and Zamphere "John Peter."
Besides this trouble our brothers Gainos and Dominic were in a car accident, probably a taxi. Both are in the hospital. Dominic has a broken arm. Again we must pray for them. All medical issues are very serious in rural Africa.
Please pray with us for these men. All of them are "disciple makers" training other pastors and shepherding personal congregations.
Also be praying for the TWO major international outreaches being conducted in June and July in Zambia. I will be joining the team there in mid-June for both outreaches. After this we will be conducting leadership training and a marriage conference. Before I return in late July Denson and I will be conducting some annual administrative business.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers! We need them. Pray that "doors" will be opened to the ministry of the Gospel for all our men and their congregations. Pray that the Outreaches will be fruitful with many new souls won to Christ and new churches planted. Pray for the leadership training and marriage seminar. Pray for our brethren's HEALTH. Pray for Partners willing to commit to monthly sacrifices that are "pleasing to the Lord" and a great help and encouragement to your brothers in Zambia.
If you are interested in partnering with us in Zambia please contact me by return email.
I have more news to send but will give you a few days to digest this and pray with us. May the Lord Bless you and keep you in Jesus Name!
Jeff Hawkins
Zambia Coordinator with Hope Builders Ministries
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