Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Upcoming trip to Zambia, Help Needed

Pictured are over 60 of the men that I have the privilege of serving in Zambia. I am YOUR ambassador to them. We are their partners in ministry. We fellowship with them in the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Zambia. Thank you for your active involvement in prayer and giving. You are laying up treasures in heaven when you invest in the ministry of Church planting, pastoral training and disciple making in Zambia. Literally thousands of souls have been saved and many of them are becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Soon I will be making another trip to Zambia and join these men for a month of distributing Bibles,Books and Bicycles as well as assessing future needs while gathering the latest data in the field.
There will be four separate gatherings with over a dozen key leaders in the Northwest, Copperbelt, Lusaka and Northern/Luapula Provinces. Most of these men will have to travel long distances to meet with us. One of the Hub Leaders and I will be traveling several thousand miles to the designated meeting places. We will gather together for several days of strategy sessions, data gathering, Bible training and good fellowship with God and one another.
I need your help with the following expenses for this trip:
  1. Roundtrip airfare - $1600
  2. 30 days of traveling in Zambia - $1000
  3. 4 mini conferences (will include travel exp. and food for the men, we will be sleeping in churches and tents) - $2000
  4. Miscellaneous expenses (food, phone and internet) - $400

The Trip will last 4 weeks start to finish. I will be staying in pastor's homes or a tent as much as possible. There will be a few nights I will have to stay in a guesthouse. Because of the conferences we will be traveling with our own vehicle instead of public transportation. We always purpose to be frugal and careful with the Lord's money.

Your participation with us in this incredible ministry is a joy and encouragement to all of us at Hope Builders Ministries and especially to the church in Zambia that we have the joy and privilege to serve.

Your Representative in Zambia,

Jeff Hawkins

Hope Builders Ministries, Zambia Coordinator

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