FALL 2011
Greeting in Jesus’ Name! The world is a mess but our God reigns! He has called us to work until Jesus comes. The work He has commissioned us to do is “Make Disciples.” May we be found faithful. Lou Ann and I pray for and thank God for you and your partnership with us in Africa.
Your gifts and prayers continue to encourage us. The Zambian Pastors and church pray for you often and rejoice in this partnership that is essential to their work.
2011 has been an incredible year of growth in the establishment of many new churches with trained pastors (and pastors in training). Many souls have been saved and saints encouraged. The job never ends. As pastors are being discipled they are making other disciples. This is part of their training. They equip others to do the work they are doing. The HUB model works on this principle. The HUB that plants the new church is responsible to train the new leadership. When we began this partnership in the fall of 2007 there were 34 HUBs in Zambia that had established over 1000 churches with as many pastors in training in 7 years. Today, 4 years later, there are 100 HUBS and over 1000 new pastors in training! The support given by churches and individuals provides for the leadership and materials needed to train these new leaders.
Our task is to raise these funds for the pastors and ministries in Zambia , which has also spread into the DRC (Congo). We work hand in hand with these ministers planning, organizing and implementing the HUB method of church planting, pastoral training and disciple making. As the Lord provides I travel to Zambia in the Spring and Fall to conduct supplemental training seminars, to meet with the District leaders for reports and to provide accountability for the funds sent to Zambia. I receive monthly financial and activity reports as well. We communicate frequently by phone, email and text messaging. I did not go to Zambia this Fall because of the June accident (broke my left arm and right foot - Lou Ann and I praise the Lord for His provision in paying the medical bills!) and the need for more finances to accomplish the mission.
We are committed to indigenous ministry. It has been amazing to see the fruitful labor of the native believers as they win their villages and districts to Christ. They do not struggle with the language and culture as we do. Their struggle is with the things we take for granted physically like “food, clothing and shelter.” Spiritually they long for Bibles and trained pastors. With as little as $50 a month, a Bible and biblical training, pastors are able to care for their families, feed the flock of God and disciple other pastors. They win literally hundreds of people to Christ as they share the life giving message of the Gospel. These are the times past missionaries longed to see. Their labor is continuing to bear much fruit as the indigenous missionaries carry forth the Gospel.
With your help we will continue to represent the Zambian church here in the USA and YOU in Zambia. Your support provides for us personally and for the expenses of ministry here. Thank you for considering a financial partnership with us or increasing your present support. We understand and appreciate the sacrifice you make in these financially difficult times.
We want to encourage you to visit regularly for updates and testimonies from the ministry in Zambia. These are also posted on Facebook and Twitter.
May the Lord continue to multiply His work! Pray for us as we seek new partners for Zambia. It is our prayer that the Lord would raise up an army of committed believers here to support the work of “Making Disciples” in Zambia and around the world.
Our family is well. We have 10 grandchildren now! Joe is in Iraq while Shannon, Jakob, Olivia and Jonathan are in Alaska. Our son Luke is here in Clarksville, TN with his wife Amy and their two, Jared and Isabella. Mary Beth and Ben are in North Carolina with Chloe, Regan and Corbin. Grace and Jeremy live in Bowling Green, KY with their Ava and Jeremy Kale (Charlie Brownie). We currently live in the home provided by Ben and Mary Beth near Clarksville, TN.
Serving our Lord together with you,
Jeff and Lou Ann Hawkins
Visit us on the web at:
Facebook, Skype, LinkedIn,Twitter @ HIMAfrica
Support Jeff and Lou Ann online at
Or by check and mail to:
Hope Builders Ministries, P.O.Box 317, Greenwood, VA 22943 Designate “Hawkins”
Hope Builders Ministries is a 501c3 non-profit ministry that exists to train national Christians to win their countrymen to Christ, plant churches and equip the leaders who make more disciples of Jesus Christ.
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