Tuesday, August 12, 2008

9 days to Go!

In just 9 short days I will be leaving for Zambia. Before the trip I must have Lou Ann moved into our apartment. We are very close. Patti Bridges is finishing up the painting tonight. The contractor putting in the hanging ceiling in the living room is to arrive today. WE have started laying the laminate flooring. Jon Burkeen and Blaine Dixon helped lay the master bedroom and Lou Ann's room. We will finish the rest of the rooms before the end of the week. Jeremy and Ben worked all weekend getting the bathroom and kitchen shower and floors in. There is still a day or two of work there. I plan to grout the bathroom today. Jeremy and I also installed the kitchen cabinets last weekend.

Last weekend Jim and Judy Potter joined us and painted. They worked hard all day and the LORD bless them for it.

God has been so good to provide the help and the strength needed for this project. I knew it was a big challenge and it proved to be just that. Lou Ann and I have spent the summer of '08 in the "hole" building a home. Thank God for His provision.

Thank the Lord especially for my two son in laws, Ben and Jeremy. Their help and my daughters patience in letting them spend many evenings and weekends with me has been a source of encouragement and joy. It has been good to get to know them better.

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