Monday, November 24, 2008

Video of September Mission to Zambia

Here is a short video of my trip to Zambia in September. Much praise to God for providing all our needs for this trip. Denson and Bro. Davies were special blessings this trip. Denson is always a blessing and inspiration. Bishop Davies is a church planting man! He has planted 12 churches and working on #13. He took 2 weeks off work (He is the senior boss so the owners missed him!)to help Denson and me conduct two conferences in the extreme northeast part of Zambia. Please take special note of the fact tat these brothers do not have a formal secondary education, let alone college. they are all pastors or leaders in the church. We strive to help provide them with a good Bible education via mentorship, conferences and the 3 year Harvesters Bible School. We do not send them off to school. We train them on the spot so that their churches do not go without leadership and pastoral care. There are close to 800 men in some level of training in Zambia. Keep this vital work in prayer and help us when you can. Your gifts and partnerships are appreciated and not taken for granted. Jeff

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