Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas 2008

Helping Indigenous Ministries in Africa
Thanks be to God for His indescribable Gift! Looking forward to Christmas the blazing heart is drawn toward the TREE of life, Jesus Christ. How thankful we are for His purposeful obedience to the Father. His love displayed in obedience as HE, the LORD of all, humbled Himself and became one of us, and then died in our place. What Love! What Grace! What a Savior!
Thank you Father for giving us your SON.
Thank you Jesus for obeying the Father.
Thank you Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Christ in all who believe.
Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our Triune God for loving us with a love that is beyond measure. A love that reaches from an old rugged Cross around the world to save “whosoever” will.
This Christmas may we all have a blazing heart for Jesus, representing the saving Tree of Life to the world.

The heart cry of almost every pastor/leader in Zambia is Bibles for their people and themselves

HIM Zambia has established leaders at the district level and is asking God for $300 per month each. There are 5 DL’s at present sharing $750. We desire to appoint at least 10 DL’s throughout the country. Each DL oversees and trains 10 Hub Leaders representing over 100 churches. The logistics of coordinating and providing training for over 800 churches established since 2000

Provisions to conduct multiple pastors conferences throughout the country every year.
More churches and individuals to become partners in ministry both “GOING” and “GIVING”.

Grace for Rev. Mushitala the National Director of HIM Zambia and all his leadership team.

MOST OF ALL that Jesus Christ be glorified in the saving of souls and establishment of His church.

This July 14—28 HIMAfrica with Hope Builders
International will be going to Livingstone, Zambia.
Here some of you will help the indigenous church
evangelize and plant churches. The rest of you will
help us to GO.

Details can be found at www.himafrica.com or
WOMEN to serve with us.
COME and HELP us! ACTS 16:6-10
Contact Jeff: 615-696-2244

is to “make disciples”. We are building
on the foundation of the thousands of
Western Missionaries that have served in
Africa these past 300 years. Our task is
to continue what they began. As we train
the indigenous pastors in Zambia we are
strengthening the church, honoring the
work previously done and obeying our
Lord’s Great Commission to make
www.hope-builders.org disciples.

THE YEAR IN REVIEW! What a year 2008 has been!
 Spoke in Churches in Illinois
 Moved from Bethanna Baptist parsonage to Calvary Campus, Letcher, KY to wait on final move to TN.
 Worked with Cumberland Area Pulpit Supply training men to study the Bible and preach (two years)
 Missions Conference at Southeastern Bible College
 Presented HIMAfrica and Bibles for Believers in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky & Tennessee in February/March
 Spent most of April in Zambia working with Harvesters International Ministries, Zambia
 May family reunion and move to Coldstream Christian Camp and the Potter’s House ministry.
 June—August built an apartment below the Potter’s House
 6 Weeks in Zambia visited pastors and churches and conducted 3 conferences, arrived home October 1
 October to present finishing up Apartment, travel to E. KY to present HIMAfrica
In all this we experienced God’s great grace in us and the lives of those we were privileged to minister to. God has provided for
us personally enabling us to present the work of HIMAfrica and Bibles for Believers. Praise His Name!

National Leader Denson Mushitala (directs and coordinates the ministry of HIM Zambia)
“One thing to remember is that to do ministry one must have the heart for it. That is to win souls one must love the sinner and go closer to them. Let them see the love of God in your heart and your eyes.” Denson thanks God for your love, prayers and support. The Honda has been repaired. Several new district leaders have been appointed. Thank God for Denson’s safety as he travels many miles as he leads the ministry of Harvesters International Ministry Zambia, winning souls, planting churches and training leaders.

Northeast District Leader Edward Musonda reports the churches are growing and maturing as the pastors grow in theWord of God . After the Kasama Conference they divided themselves into three groups. One evangelized Mbala and planted a new church now with twenty members. Two groups returned to the churches planted in May with Rev. Denson and rejoiced in the Lord having added new converts to the churches. They baptized 125 new believers! DL Musonda also conducted a pastors seminar for his new level one HUB churches. The 10 pastors are ready to start level two training. An outreach close to the border of Tanzania is being planned.

Lusaka District Leader Sakala Sinoya continues to teach the Harvester Bible School weekly and to evangelize the large George Compound
outside of Lusaka while pastoring a new church plant. He sends special thanks for the clothes given him making him more presentable to the church and community.

Rev. Titus Shampandes our newest District Leader in Solwezi(NW) is
sincerely thankful for the support and training received. He has been busy visiting
and encouraging HUB pastors and overseeing their training.

District Leader James Chinokole in the Nchelenga area (NE near Congo) reports that the men were very encouraged after the training conference in September. Since then the training continues and three new churches have been planted Plans for Church planting outreaches near Congo border are delayed by war.

District Leader Mumba Chinyanta oversees 32 churches and has 22 HUB pastors in training in the NW Solwezi area near Congo.

Most Pastors desperately need Bibles. Study Bibles and Bible Dictionaries will be a
tremendous aid in sermon preparation and teaching.

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