Tuesday, June 30, 2009

HUB Conference and Bible Distribution

Hello Friends and partners of Helping Indigenous Ministries in Africa (HIMAfrica).
In September Lou Ann and I will need your help in traveling to Zambia and conducting a week long HUB Leaders conference and two weeks of Bible distribution. September 14th over 50 Hub Pastors, the national leadership team and the cooks will gather in Musenga at a Christian conference center.

This is an annual event especially designed for HUB leaders to train them and help them to stay focussed on the mission of planting churches, training pastors and making disciples of new believers in Jesus Christ. It will also be a time of encouragement as we distribute study Bibles to the men who have yet to receive them and also bicycles for those who do not have one.
This event will cost $3000. HIMAfrica coordinating with Harvesters International Ministries Zambia will provide transportation for each of the men to come to and return home from the conference. Their lodging, food and training materials will also be provided.
After this event Denson Mushitala (HIM Zambia national leader) and I will spend two weeks distributing thousands of Bibles coordinating with the district and hub leaders. The Harvester International Ministries national coordinator for Malawi, Herbie Venter, will also be with us (The Lord willing).

The total mission will cost approximately $7500. Some of Lou Ann's airfare has already been given, but the majority of the funds needed are yet to be raised. Would you help? Your generous gift is most appreciated and will bless not only Lou Ann and me as we journey to Zambia on your behalf but also the 50 pastors and leaders gathering for this important annual event.
I am also asking God for a teaching partner to accompany us on the first leg of the mission to teach at the conference and then escort Lou Ann home on Sept. 21st.

Your gifts will help Denson and me travel and distribute thousands of Bibles as well. Please consider helping us as we partner with our Zambian brothers planting churches and making disciple.
Send your gifts to our partner minstry: Hope Builders International POBox 317 Greenwood, VA 22943
Designation to Zambia Conference
All gifts are tax deductible.

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