Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Malawi Mission Team News

Here is a word from Johan Gous the Africa Director with Hope Builders International and our liason with the team in Malawi.
I am also including some pictures from previous Mission Team in Mozambique that I participated in.
As you read you will hear the "mission" and "heartbeat" of our work in Africa. We want, by the Grace of God, to empower and impassion the "indigenous" believers to reach their own people. We believe this is how we can best, that is most efficiently, economically and speedily, reach the world for Christ.
As you read this please pray for our Team in Malawi. Pray for the local believers they are working with. Pray that both the "foreigners" and locals will be strengthened renewed in their commitment to serve Christ and represent Him to the people around them.

Be Blessed,

Dear Parents, Family and Friends of our Malawi explorers,
I tried purposefully to get hold of Herbie or Steven today but did not succeed to speak directly to them as there seemed to be problems with the cellular phone signals. I did however speak to two people who have had contact with them yesterday and this morning.

The reports from there are that they are doing well and that the work is progressing well - now from experience in such situations I can tell you that the first days are spent getting to know your team members (every one is still unsure of themselves and most times a bit shy to speak out) but by tomorrow (Wednesday) that will all have passed and they will be in the swing of playing their respective rolls that they are comfortable with.

The team is a big one (40+ South Africans) the 5 Americans and then the local Pastors and interpreters together with the 5 to 8 local congregation members who are being trained (and mentored) in sharing their faith so that they can continue doing so after the "foreigners" leave. This is the whole strategy - empowering the locals to effectively reach their own people (community) with the Gospel.

I have been assured that all are well and learning a lot from both sides - the truth is that your loved ones will return richer in general experience but also in their own faith walk with Christ while the locals will be encouraged in their Walk. It is our prayer that the locals grab the vision of how God can use them in their local situation while our trippers see the vision of how much God can do through them as they inspire the locals by encouraging them to stand firm in their faith in some pretty difficult situations - My personal prayer for each of our travelers is that God will instill in them the understanding that the continent of Africa can be won for Christ purely because the natives are so hungry for the Gospel and we have it to give in abundance if we are prepared to obey God's command to be His witnesses even to the ends of the earth (where the Gospel has not yet fully reached) something that can be done through equipping and empowering the locals.

I will be trying to get hold of them again in the morning - so until we "talk" again.

Blessed greetings
Johan Gous

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